Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Basics

     Photography started before the 16th century. The first actual camera was invented close to 1000 AD by Alhazen. It is whats called a pinhole camera, letting light through a small hole to create a sungraph. The images appeared upside down and dark on the paper it was "printed" on. Now, cameras are in the hands of everyone from small children to the elderly. They can be small, big, easy to use, professional, blue, black and even in funny shapes. How can it be that such an invention could make such a big difference on the world? Commercial photography, pictures of newly weds or babies, pictures of family get togethers, we see these every day but we overlook them.
     How did such an invention come to be what it is now? How did it become a household object? Well, that's what we're here to explore. Through history, commercialism and advertising turned something that used to be for the rich and famous into a product in everyone's hands.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

I know that photoraphe got real popular arowed the time of the civil war. for the first time comen people were able to see what achualy happend on the battal feild from the comfert of there living room